What is the ProLink software?

ProLink is our latest user-friendly programmable CNC control system designed with new functions to your production. It can produce perfect parts efficiently and safely, even with an untrained operator.

ProLink is an innovative Windows-based software featuring touch screen control with a 15.5″, 18.5″ or 21.5″ color monitor, depending on the machine model or selected option. With its large screen and easy navigation, this control system is easy to understand and learn. Interactive graphic pictures show the operator instructions on how to flip parts making it simple to accurately produce complicated details.


ProLink features

Automatic folding & collision detection

The latest version of ProLink features an automatic folding sequence (afs) function with collision detection to help the operator confirm that a profile is possible and helps determine the optimal folding sequence. Valid tools and rails can easily be selected for different views and collision detection with the tool setup and tool width calculation feature.

Dxf importing capable

ProLink is now available with dxf importation feature. A dxf file can be exported straight from a usb or by networking prolink with the offline software package. This feature streamlines importing parts into the machine resulting in less time on the control and more time forming.

Machine to profile interfacing

ProLink automatically calculates cut size and creates a program where the finished part is shown with its actual folding sequence. Every program can be saved with a graphical icon with name and information. If the machine is equipped with such features the ProLink may also control adjustment of sheet thickness, crowning of folding beam rail, adjustment of folding center, and combi beam rotation.

Adjustable screen

The touch screen is mounted on a pendant arm that can be rotated for optimal viewing. It is also possible to turn the screen to the gauging side of the machine when folding large details.

Remote offline programming

Programs for off line programming are available so that folding programs can be prepared on an external pc instead of having to do the programming on the machine itself. Finished programs may then be transferred to the machine via networks or usb.

Which machines have ProLink software?

Most of our CIDAN folding machines are equipped with ProLink control system as standard, the F-series machines are equipped with EasyLink control system as standard, but can of course also be delivered with ProLink W. As standard ProLink for models F, FS and FX we offer a 15.5″ screen. 18.5″ or 21.5″ widescreen mounted on a pendant arm is optional.

How to use ProLink

  1. Find a detail in the library similar to what you need and use the drawing to create your own detail
  2. Use the drawing program and create your own profile
  3. Use the line-by-line programming alternative to set angles and dimensions
  4. Automatically calculate folding sequence and detect collisions
  5. See the folding sequence and watch how to handle the material